Frequent disease monitoring is crucial
Frequent monitoring of specific biomarkers is crucial for correct diagnosis & treatment of a large range of diseases.
Oncology. Most cancers are diagnosed and monitored via biomarkers for disease intensity and therapy effectiveness and early detection of relapse.
Cardiology. Cardiac biomarkers guide the level of medication and indicate deterioration. Early detection and therapy adjustment, may prevent catastrophic decline, requiring intensive care therapy to reduce risk of death.
Immunology. Most autoimmune diseases generate biomarkers, which determine diagnosis and defines type and level of treatment.
Infectious Medicine. Most infections are diagnosed and monitored by biomarkers to determine the type of antibiotics and guides treatment duration & intensity
Today’s in-clinic control is costly and time consuming
Approx. 4 control-visits annually
Average 3.5 hours/visit for the patients
Low patient compliance
Costly and labour intensive
in-clinic process
For the patients…
In-clinic control visits are time-consuming and cumbersome
Low patient compliance to recommended disease-controls
For the healthcare system…
Risk of not detecting disease deterioration in time
In-clinic control visits are costly and labour intensive
High amount of in-clinic resources spent on control-visits where no medicalintervention is required
BIOSTRIP enables patients to self-monitor their disease
Disease self-monitoring at home
Individualized control frequency
Telehealth solution with lower cost
Improved patient compliance
Better healthcare
Benefits for the patients….
Easy-to-use system empowers patients to self-monitor their disease
Monitoring frequency adapted to individual needs
Fragile patients can stay at-home if no intervention is required
Benefits for the healthcare system…
Frequent monitoring ensures timely detection of disease deterioration
Fewer in-clinic control visits and less resources spent
Approx. 40% cost savings per control visit